Career Transition

Careers and JobHQ

American Alliance of Museums

The Alliance provides resources and job search capabilities to develop your career.

Making Lemonade

American Alliance of Museums

Museum shares an article about the process of being laid off and searching for employment after a position has been eliminated (must be an Alliance member to access this article).

Plan B: What to Do When your Museum Job is Terminated

American Alliance of Museums

The Alliance provides a handout from its 2013 annual meeting, which provides techniques for finding a new position. The resource offers strategies for coping with job loss, networking, finding interim contract and consulting work, dealing with news of a layoff and negotiating the exit.

The Best (and Worst) Ways to Transition Out of a Job

Common Good Careers

Common Good Careers presents do's and don'ts on transitioning out of a position gracefully, which touches upon providing notice, vacation days, sharing news about the departure and exit interviews.

Career Guidance and Resources

The Muse

The Muse is a useful resource for career planning and advancement. Get the help you need, when you need it.

15 Quick Tips for Obtaining your Next Promotion

Quintessential Careers

Quintessential Careers provides an article with 15 tips to getting a promotion.

Using a SWOT Analysis as a Career-Planning Tool

Quintessential Careers

Quintessential Careers provides an article on applying SWOT technique to personal career planning.