Eligibility Criteria

Approved by the Accreditation Commission on December 3, 2004; effective January 1, 2005.

To participate in the Alliance's Accreditation Program, a museum must:

  • be a legally organized nonprofit institution or part of a nonprofit organization or government entity.
  • be essentially educational in nature.
  • have a formally stated and approved mission.
  • use and interpret objects and/or a site for the public presentation of regularly scheduled programs and exhibits.
  • have a formal and appropriate program of documentation, care, and use of collections and/or objects.
  • carry out the above functions primarily at a physical facility/site.
  • have been open to the public for at least two years.
  • be open to the public at least 1,000 hours a year.
  • have accessioned 80 percent of its permanent collection.
  • have at least one paid professional staff with museum knowledge and experience.
  • have a full-time director to whom authority is delegated for day-to-day operations.
  • have the financial resources sufficient to operate effectively.